8 May 2014


In 2014, we've already seen the disappearance of MH370 and the South Korean ferry disaster. I'm not sure if this will be the last of the accidents. If you read my forecast for the year of the wooden horse, I did say there would be lots of air and water related disasters this year and accidents involving explosions. Why? 
The Horse is a fiery star. It represents peak fire energy. And in the year's astrological chart (Ba Zi), there is a star representing peak water energy as well. These stars clash and a water / fire clash is quite serious. 

If this clash happens in a person's chart, it is an indication of relationship stress, mental illness and a person who is always fighting with others. In a year's chart, this relates more to air (represented by fire) and sea accidents (in addition to quarrelsome energy being present). 

So take care when travelling this year, especially if you are born in the year of the animal sign which is compromised this year (rat, tiger, ox & dragon).  It's really sad but the students on the South Korean ferry disaster seemed to be born either in the year of the rat or ox, two signs which are severely compromised this year. So those born under these signs or if you are born in the year where the year's energy is against you (i.e. 1981, 1990, 1997, etc) - take it easy this year, cut down on travels. 


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