24 April 2016


Every space you inhabit has energy. In fact, my Feng Shui Grandmaster always used to say, 

“Energy follows form, people follow energy.”

Basically, a space’s specific structure and layout, attracts a specific energy. And what usually ends up happening is that we tend to unconsciously be attracted to certain types of energy mirroring our current situation. 

For example, a client was having a particular bad time at work. Nothing was going well. She didn’t trust her colleagues at work and she was worried about getting the sack. A look at her personal astrological chart (ba zi) showed that what we call the ‘influence’ power was too strong in her chart and unfavourable to her. This usually results in ‘backstabbing’ energy. To counter this, she needed to create and occupy a power position. Unfortunately for her, at work she was sitting with her back to the main door and her colleagues. She was literally facing the wall. 

Now one of the first rules of Feng Shui is to protect your back. This means you should be able to view people coming at you. Otherwise, all the action is happening behind your back and you are forever being startled by people (which leaves you frightened and nervous) and things catch you by surprise which leaves you feeling vulnerable. 

But in this case, the client had basically occupied a space that mirrored what was happening in her chart and that ended up magnifying her problem. 

But if you know a few simple rules in Feng Shui, you can start avoiding these types of problems. You will know what constitutes a good space - if a space will nurture and balance you, if a space will protect you. You want to protect yourself from specific structures that could cause you illness or harm. 

Come to the Feng Shui talk at Graceland Yards, Wednesday 27 April at 7.30pm to learn some simple rules so that you can assess any space you walk into like a Feng Shui expert. 

To book or for further information, please contact Shoba on shoba_haridas@hotmail.com or call The Yard at 020 8960 7450. 

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